Snapshot: Darlene Kascak
Occupation: I am the Education Director for The Institute for American Indian Studies Museum and Research Center in Washington, Conn., and much more! I am also a Traditional Native American Storyteller and an active member of The Schaghticoke Tribal Nation. Here at the museum, I develop and teach educational programs that tell the 12,000-year story of Quinnetukut’s Indigenous Peoples. This story of survival is told using multiple perspectives, not only with archeological discoveries but with the oral histories told by the Indigenous people themselves. Of all the hats I wear at the museum, I think Storytelling is what I find most personally rewarding. For me, this isn’t just a job; it is my purpose in life and what I was meant to do.
Family: I married my best friend 43 years ago. Together we have built a beautiful life with our son Michael. We enjoy the simple pleasures in life and find comfort in being together as a family.
Pets: Two hilarious golden retriever puppies and an incredibly patient old cat named Jack.
How long have you lived in Newtown? My husband grew up in Sandy Hook and went to school here. Together we have lived in Sandy Hook for over 40 years.
What do you like to do in your free time? I spend my free time visiting with elders and learning new stories. I enjoy attending our seasonal celebrations and powwows. I also love learning how to make our traditional crafts. Since time immemorial, Native American Storytellers like me have passed down our cultural beliefs, stories, and history to the next generation by word of mouth. This responsibility of learning, preserving, and passing down knowledge to the next generation is something I take seriously.
What is your favorite book? There, There by Tommy Orange.
Who has been the greatest influence in your life? My Auntie Trudie Lamb Richmond, who passed away recently. She inspired me to become the educator and storyteller I am today.
If you could spend the day with one person, who would you choose and why? I wish I could spend more time with my Auntie learning about our tribe’s history and culture. She was an amazing storyteller, culture keeper, and mentor to so many.
Who is your favorite musical artist? I have a deep love and appreciation for all types of music, and I really don’t have one particular favorite.
What is the greatest piece of advice you have ever been given? Never forget who you are; don’t try to be someone you are not. We are all born with a special gift that we are supposed to share with the world.
What is something you cannot live without? My love and appreciation for all the beauty surrounding us helps me stay grounded and humble. When I stray from feelings of gratitude, and my eyes are closed to the beauty of the living beings we share this land with, my heart becomes cold, I think of only myself, and I become disconnected from the land.
What is your proudest accomplishment? I recently collaborated with the American Dance Company Pilobolus on a piece named “The Ballad.” Together through Storytelling and the beautiful movement of the dancers, we created a deeply moving piece of work that brings to light the history, culture, and stories of survival of Indigenous people.
What is a meal/recipe your family has passed down to you? Frybread for Indian Tacos!
What is a tradition your family does that is important to you? For many years our family enjoyed hiking and camping in remote locations. It allowed us to unplug from modern technology and reconnect with our natural surroundings. Although now that we are older, we find tent camping to be a challenge for us, we are looking into purchasing a small camper for our adventures.
What would you like The Newtown Bee to cover in the future? Newtown is rich in cultural diversity, but we know so little about each other. People often concentrate too much on differences due to a lack of knowledge and stereotypes. I would like to see a cultural exchange of histories, stories, and traditions from the residents that call Newtown home.