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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Dinner Donations



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Dinner Donations

To the Editor:

The Relay For Life Survivorship Committee would like to thank the following restaurants, delis and caterers for supplying all of the food for our dinner:

The Inn at Newtown — a very special thank you, Big Y, Blue Colony Diner, Bountiful Board/Annie Trister, Coach’s Deli, Costco, Deli on South Main, El Coyote, Fireside Inn, Franco’s Pizza, George’s Pizza & Restaurant, Mexicali Rose, Michelle Garillo, Mocha, Mona Lisa, My Place, Newtown General Store, Pizza Palace, Renee McManus, Stew Leonard’s, Stop & Shop, Subway, The Villa, and Villarina’s of Newtown.

We rely completely on donations for this dinner so we cannot express enough appreciation. This wouldn’t have been a success without such great support.

Barbara Baldino

34 Old Farm Hill, Newtown                          June 30, 2005

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