Supporting A Fellow Hive Contributor
To the Editor:
I write to support Justin Scott’s concern that Roy Meadows, vice-chairman of the Zoning Commission, has been quoted as saying “...owner of a property has the right to develop it,” as reported by The Bee, as he voted for a large warehouse project.
As complicated as the Zoning regulations are, I am pretty sure they do not contain the sentence “…owner of a property has the right to develop it.”
There is, of course, a chance that this gentleman was misquoted or had his quote taken out of context.
I would like to hear more from Mr Meadows about his philosophy of zoning and why he joined the Zoning Commission.
Perhaps he would write to The Bee and tell us more about his intentions and goals when he ran to be elected to the Zoning Commission.
If the town were to adopt what we understand Mr Meadows’ philosophy of zoning to be, we could all be facing gas stations next to our homes.
I look forward to Mr Meadows’ response.
Laura E. Lerman
The Zoning Commission determines if the proposed development of a property adheres to the zoning regulations. It does not infringe on the right of a property owner to develop the property.