Digging Deep, Finding Savings
Digging Deep,
Finding Savings
(The following open letter has been received for publication.)
Dear Newtown Voters:
I am writing to elicit your Yes vote for the current proposed budget. As difficult as this budget process has been this year, there have been significant positives. The Board of Education has established a better process for communications with the school administrative offices, setting expectations that significantly improve our ability to collaborate effectively. This also allows the BOE to better communicate with the town boards and citizens of Newtown. During each failed referendum we took the time to listen to all sides closely and have come to the overwhelming conclusion that our town is interested in the best education that we can afford to provide our children. Key terms: âbest education,â and âafford.â No matter our circumstances, we all want the best public education offered in the state. It is that level of excellence that the BOE strives towards.
As a result, the BOE worked tirelessly with the school administration and with so many of our townspeople. Long hours were spent to help dig deep and find all possible savings or process improvements. This was always our intent and I reiterate confidently, with the process of communication now in place between the BOE and our school administrative offices we will do this more efficiently.
There has been a lot of debate whether the present education budget proposed provides same services year on year. I can tell you with certainty that we are offering the same level of service as the year before. We may offer some services in a different way than last year, but make no mistake; the same level and quality of service will be offered. One example is the transportation coordinators; All-Star provides those services as part of their agreement and they were expected savings for next year. Another item debated is âCould Newtown schools do more with more money?â Of course we could, but I recognize that times are tough today and, while we seem to be climbing out of the recession, we arenât out yet and caution is still required. The message this town has given me in my opinion is âlive within your means.â It has been a hard lesson for this entire country and not one we will discount.
At present I have been working with the school administration to find the funds within the budget proposed to institute full-day kindergarten with same services as I stated above. We are very close. I believe we can find those funds, but I cannot promise it until the BOE meeting on July 10, where those funds will be reviewed and committed.
In the coming years we will propose new school programs that will benefit our children tremendously and when we do, we will be able to tell you why and clearly. We will also be able to afford it.
Thank you for your patience, support and donât forget to vote Yes on July 12!
Debbie Leidlein
Chairman Board of Education
Little Brook Lane, Newtown                                            July 3, 2012