Snapshot: Jeff Dymerski
Occupation: Owner-manager of Dunkin Donuts, Queen Street Shopping Plaza, Newtown.
How Long In Newtown: My father, my brother, and I have owned this franchise since December 2001 and I am the one who runs the business. I live in Shelton now — actually, that's where I grew up — but I love all the people in Newtown and would like to move here someday. People here seem to do a lot for their community. They are involved, and I like that. I enjoy seeing all the families come in here with their children.
Family: My wife Melissa and I have been married since 1999. We are expecting our first baby July 17.
[Late bulletin: A son, Max Dymerski, was born Monday night or early Tuesday morning. He weighed 6-plus pounds, according to Dunkin Donuts employees.]
Pets: I have no time for pets right now.
Hobbies: I play guitar and love to go to movies. My favorite film is The Royal Tannenbaums. I also enjoy baseball games, and I love to watch my Mets lose all the time. I'll be going out this weekend to see the Mets play the Yankees, and the Mets will probably lose that one, too.
Favorite TV Show, Music or Book: You have to love The Simpsons. Even the British just voted Bart Simpson as their #1 Favorite American Hero, ahead of Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy. As for music, I'm a total fan of Elvis Costello, Wilco and Guided by Voices. Anyone else who likes these guys, they should tell me about it when they come for coffee and we can talk about it. My absolute favorite author is Kurt Vonnegut. I'll read anything he has written.
Organizations: No time for that right now, either!
Most Vivid Memory About Newtown: The 2002 Labor Day Parade. Even though it rained, people were so excited and up about it. Everyone was into the spirit of the thing.
Favorite Vacation Spot: Still, no time. Like I said, my life with working and family is very full and busy.
Personal Philosophy: Others have said this, but I think it's true: Treat others as you would have them treat you and the world will be a better place.