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Alzheimer's, Stroke Support Meetings At the Federation



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Alzheimer’s, Stroke Support Meetings At the Federation

SOUTHBURY — An open and on-going support group for friends and family of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias is being offered by Brownstein Jewish Family Service and the Lutheran Home of Southbury. The next meeting takes place Thursday, July 9, at 1:30 pm, in the library at the Federation, Jewish Communities of Western Connecticut, 444 Main Street North.

There is no charge for this group.

Facilitator Edie Hardwick, program manager for the Scattering the Clouds Program of the Lutheran Home in Southbury, explains that, “This will be a time for people dealing with these issues to get together to meet, share concerns, get to know one another, learn how to deal with certain problems, and receive support from each other.”

Ms Hardwick noted that Scattering the Clouds, an outreach service of the Lutheran Home, offers free education and care management to families who have a loved one with dementia.

Stroke awareness will be discussed at a free program on Monday, July 13, at 1 pm, with The Heart Center of Greater Waterbury’s clinical nurse specialist Sandra Micalizzi, APRN, CDE.

Stroke is a leading cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. Do you know the factors that may increase your risk for a stroke? Do you know the symptoms of a stroke? Quick action can prevent a disability or save your or someone else’s life.

Come and learn what to do when a stroke strikes and how to cope with the effects of stroke.

Due to limited seating, register with Debby Horowitz at 267-3177, extension 105.

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