Paul Louis Altieri
Paul Louis Altieri
A Bright Light
In The World
Paul Louis Altieri died June 21. Born on June 16, 1987, he was the son of Deborah and Louis Altieri and big brother of Katharine Altieri, all residing in Sandy Hook.
Mr Altieri was a 2005 graduate of Newtown High School.
His bright light shone on so many people in his few short years of life. He loved life, his many friends, his family, helping anyone and everyone, his beloved garage, and his work. He was a design consultant with Diversified Kitchens in Huntington. His love of his job was clearly evident as he used his creative talents designing beautiful living spaces in so many homes in the area, leaving beautiful, lasting examples of his creative gifts. His every action was a celebration of life his entire 24 years.
Mr Altieri also leaves several aunts, uncles, and cousins left to carry on in a world left a little less bright with his passing.
A celebration of his life was held at a Mass at St Rose of Lima Parish, June 25.
Memorial donations may be made to Ralph S. Loew, Trustee, 3638 Main Street, Stratford CT 06614, for a charity yet to be determined.
Online condolences may be made at
The Newtown Bee       July 1, 2011