The Woeful State Of Sportsmanship In Newtown
To the Editor:
My 16-year-old son and his Norwalk Babe Ruth team had an extremely upsetting game yesterday at Newtown High School against a fellow Newtown Babe Ruth team. The game had started fine, and Newtown was winning at the bottom of the fourth inning, when our coach brought in a new pitcher. He, unfortunately, hit the first two batters. Then, a Newtown player sought payback by spiking our first baseman and using foul language at him to try and entice him to fight.
Inning over and our turn at bat, our Coach Jim was at third, right near the Newtown dugout, easily overhearing plans from “the boys” on the bench as to who was going to go after who at the end of the game in the handshake line. Also, hearing ignorant, racist, homophobic and bigoted spew coming from their mouths, our coach pulled our players off the field and told the umps the game was over.
We have been playing Babe Ruth baseball and Cal Ripken before that for over 10 years, and have never had a coach pull players off the field for fear of retribution from the opposing team. Nobody should tolerate or live with stupidity and ignorance of this level, not to mention the woeful state of sportsmanship they displayed.
What a despicable way to represent your town. Shame on you Newtown Babe Ruth!
Ellen Freebairn
21 Norvel Road, Norwalk June 30, 2015