Will Development Overtax The Sewer System?
Will Development Overtax
The Sewer System?
To the Editor:
Regarding the Church Hill condo proposal: Has anyone considered the available capacity of our water treatment plant? I am under the impression that it is near, if not at, full capacity. If this ill-conceived project is approved whose responsibility, or whose pocket book, will it be to upgrade the sewer system?
I had developed many acres of land in our town. Although I would be furious at times with the Planning and Zoning Commission, they always acted very responsibly. It seems to me with that for the past few years this board has not hesitated to approve other poorly conceived developments.
One in particular is the condo complex behind the high school. Again, I question the capacity of the water treatment plant and too, the traffic flow in that area. Hasnât anyone on the board driven by that area during the morning and evening rush? Health and safety has always been a strong consideration when past boards decided to approve or disprove a development project.
Iâm certain that many of the zoning board members experience a great deal of pressure. They serve voluntarily and I for one appreciate the giving of their time and effort. But, as I recall, they do have regulations that they are able to consider more effectively in their decisions.
George Arfaras
8 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook                                   June 26, 2006