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Newtown Middle School Graduates And Awards



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Newtown Middle School Graduates And Awards

The following is the list of Newtown Middle School graduates and award winners for the 2007-2008 school year.

Karisma Aarons, Francis Afriyie*, Karina Aguilar, Sarah Ainley, Margina Alam, Michael Allwein, Robert Andreotta, Kaitlyn Appley, Alexis Archer, Andrew Argraves, Christopher Arnone, Emily Ashbolt*, Marysa Audet*, Alexandra Aug*, Cole Baldino, Hannah Barrett, Joshua Barrett, McGarry Bassett, Skyler Bast*, Lauren Bauer*, Robert Bauer, Samantha Baumgart, Michaela Beaudry, Cortney Beckett, Robert Beier, Erin Bell**, Ted Benoit, Anthony Berarducci, Brooke Bizewski, Alexis Black, Abigail Blakeman, Connor Blanc, William Bloom, Allison Blume, Timothy Bock, Austin Bonadio, Kristopher Bonsignore, Joshua Branchflower, Gary Braun, Alyse Brautigam, Brandi Braziel, Meredith Bridges, Kelly Brooks, Justin Brophy, Aaron Brown, Kristina Browning, Lian Brumaghim, Jacob Buonocore, Katherine Burns*, Sean Burson*

Edith Campos, Samantha Canfield, Brandon Capaldo, Christina Caporale, Danielle Capozziello*, Trevor Carey, Casie Rose Carmody, Dianna Carozza, Alicia Carrafiello, Matthew Carroll, Michael Cascone, Ryan Cassidy, Andrew Cebry, Keri Chernoff, Celeste Cheung, Shawn Chowdhury, Emma Cianci, Timothy Ciavara, Ashley Cirone**, Cameron Clark, Julia Clarke, Stefanie Clavette, Jonathan Cochrane, Joey Coelho, Harmon Coffey, Meghan Condon, Colin Cooper, John Corsi, Tami Corsi, Colleen Cosgrove*, Ryan Crowell, Nicholas Crudo, Chad Cullens, Erin Cunningham*, Sara Currier, Robert Daigle, Ryan Daignault, Kristin Daines, John Dance, Katelyn Dandrea, Alyssa Danka, Jesse Dantin, Morgan Danuszar, Sean Dardine, Meaghan Davis** Nicole Davis**, Brendan DeAngelis, Nicholas DeBlasio*, Sean Decker, Nicole DeFelice, Krista Degenhardt, Alessandra Delia, Izabella DeMedeiros, Kevin Dennis, Quincy DeYoung*, Nicholas Dickinson, Emily Dion, Erin Dlouhy, Thomas Donnelly, Madeline Dorso**, Abbey Doski**, Caitlin Dowling*, Mallorie Dunn, Ryan Dunnigan, Alexandra Duris, Colleen Durkin, Tiana Dwyer

Elizabeth Eiseman, Austin Ekstrom*, Jacob Enriquez, Spencer Erhardt, Kendall Euler, Nicholas Fadus, Sean Fahey*, Cassandra Fallon, Rebecca Farin, Angel Faust, Leah Febbraio, Dominick Fedak, Charles Feltch, Louis Fenaroli, Lisa Ferrari, Erin Ferris, Julie Ficks, Alyssa Finkenstadt, Andrew Fischer, Cory Fisher, Daniel Fisher, Michael Fitzsimons, William Fletcher, Danielle Ford, Katherine Fossum, Gregory Frattaroli, Hunter French*, Christopher Fulcher, Collin Gage, Daniel Gallagher, Evan Garrett, Kelley Gaston*, Carlie Gehrman, Michael Genovese, Brandon Gesualdi, Madison Ghent, Emma Glasrud, Brandon Gonzalez, Cody Gotthardt, Christina Gould*, Kristen Grabowski, Rachel Graves, Kayla Green, Rebecca Greenawalt, Dana Greenfield, Michael Greenwood, Rachel Gregoire, Michael Gregorio, Stefani Grimaldi*, Elizabeth Grimes, Ishaar Gupta, Dieter Gutbrod

Kyle Hagerman, Bethany Hagopian, Jessica Haitz**, John Hampford*, Mary Hamula, Kyler Harmeling, Kyle Harrington, Lauren Harrison**, Thomas Harrison*, Brandon Hart, Brianna Hart*, Connor Hartgraves, Madison Hauck, Brittany Hawley, Linda He**, Stefan Hennessey, Jordan Hensel, Nicolas Heron, Emma Herring, Sara Hetzer, Reid Higham, Shayne Hindes, Anna Hodge, Tyler Hoffman, James Holcomb, Kira Hood, James Horoszko, Tarren Horvath, Sakib Hossain*, Tyler Hough, Jonathan Hull, Michelle Isabella, Carly Iwanicki*, Randi Jackson, William James, Stephen Jarvis, Abigail Johnson, Autumn Jones, Kelsey Karp, Katelyn Kean, Madeline Keane, Scott Keating, Andrew Kelley, Alexander Kelly, Dillon Kelly, Mikaela Kemsley*, Alexandra Kennedy, Peter Kerns, Alfonso Kinic, Christine Kirk, Ian Kirner, Morgan Kirol*, Jacqueline Kissack, Zachary Klang, Alexandra Klein*, Brett Klein, Ryan Kleinert, Kory Kling, Alyssa Kneski, Meagan Knox, Robert Kokoski, Emily Kopcik, Olivia Koziol*, Erika Kroesen

Jessica Lajoie**, David Landau, Nicole Lang*, Meagan Larsen, Brooke Leifels, Ryan LeMay, Michael Lengel, Carson Leon-Gambetta, Kurtis Liniger, Brett Linley*, Michael LoBosco, Michael Lord, Katherine Lotrecchiano, David Lucia, Brandon Luxkaranayagam**, Jessica Lynch**, Philip Lyon, Lauren Maccharoli, Chad Magoulas, Molly Mahony*, Anthony Maki, Clayton Makuch, Jonathan Malia, Marco Manes, Shaun Mangold, Hannah Maret**, Robert Marona, Danielle Marshall, Katherine Martinelli, Katherine Mascher, Jade Mather, Madeline McCabe-McDermott**, Jennifer McDonald, Shannon McDonald, Kelsey McEvoy, Katie McGrath, Shaelyn McGrath, Grace McKinley, Sarah McMahon, Jack McManus, Brendan McNamara, Michael Mead, Olivia Meenan, Krutarth Mehta, Kyra Middeleer*, Madilyn Middlebrook, William Miller, Emily Molloy, Samuel Molloy, Alison Monaco, James Mooney, William Morlock, Colin Morris, Donald Morrissey**, Paolo Moscovici, Kevin Moses, Michael Mossbarger*, Elizabeth Mouchantat, Christopher Mulligan, Nora Murphy, Kyra Murray*, Eni Musaka*, Rachel Musco*

Marni Nathanson, Troy Neves*, Brandy Nezvesky, Evan Noonan, Nathan Norwich, Sean Nuelle, Lauren O’Connell, Megan O’Connell, Kayla O’Leary**, Karly Oliveira, Mary Oliver, Brian Olszewski, Peter Ovendorf*, Mason Page, Matthew Pagliaroli, Arianna Papaj, Justina Paproski**, Griffin Paynter, Timothy Pearlman, Stephanie Perrotti, Katherine Peters*, Madalyn Petrovich, Kevin Phillips, Samantha Phillips, Luke Piazza, Douglas Pierce, Sera Pisani, Mario Pizighelli, Jenna Poeltl, Lydia Post, Kevin Procaccini, Melissa Ann Procaccini*, Matthew Pruner, Charles Pryor*, Austin Puleri, Jennifer Radatovich, James Radcliffe, Kelsey Rahmlow, Alec Ravana, Mallory Reilly, Lucy Riley*, Rachel Rode, Timothy Ronan*, Matthew Rospenda, Angela Ross, Sean Ross, Nicole Rotante, Tara Rotas, Olivia Rowley**, Gabriel Ruiz, Scott Runkle, Richard Ruot, James Russo, Austin Ryder

Emma Sabin, Shradha Sahani*, Catherine Salaris*, Christopher Samson, Erik Samuelson, Richard Sandler, Andrea Sayegh, Chelsea Sayegh, Christian Sayegh, Michael Scalzo, Maximilian Schmitt**, Rhea Schneider*, Harrison Schreiner, Stephanie Schubert, William Schubert, Matthew Sharpe, Luke Shearin*, Luke Sherwood, Katharine Shirley, Jessica Sideleau*, Rebecca Silveira, Ajit Singh**, Mary Siroky*, Connor Smith, Taylor Smith, Bianca Solano*, Jake Solomons, Michael Spak, Justin Spath, Laurel Speed*, Nikita Srivastava*, Amanda Stanton**, Taylor Steimle, Roland Stephen, J. Max Stevens, Thomas Stewart**, Ben Stoller, Zachary Stone, Alexander Sullivan, Patrick Sullivan, Eric Sutton, Kendall Svanda, Travis Szalay

Alexander Taylor**, Christopher Tenney, Jill Theile, Victoria Theobald, Megan Thomas*, Rebecca Tobin, Jefferson Tolson, John Tolson, George Trudell*, Erin Tumney**, Robert Uhde, Danielle Vabner, Morgan Vadas, Jennifer vanVeen*, Joseph vanVeen, Kelly vanVeen, Matthew Vavrek, Kaitlyn VosWinkel, Ryan Washburn, Amanda Watson, Kirsten Wessel, Mason West, Matthew Wielebinski, Gregory Williamson, Joanna Wollman**, Alex Woloszynski, Kevin Woloszynski Adam Wruck, Riley Wurtz*, Harrison Yochum, Henry Yochum, Maximilian Zanghi, Brandon Ziman, Patrick Zingaro

**Middle School Scholars

These 25 students are the top President’s Award for Educational Excellence students. They hold the highest 25 academic averages for seventh grade and first three marking periods of eighth grade.

*President’s Awards for Educational Excellence

These students have earned a cumulative grade average of 95 on a 100-point scale for seventh grade and the first three marking periods of eighth grade and have recommendations from two teachers.

Cluster Academic Awards

Cluster 8 Blue: Hannah Maret, Highest Cluster Average; Alexandra Aug, Language Arts; Katherine Martinelli, Mathematics; Ajit Singh, Integrated Math I; Abbey Doski, Science; Izabella DeMedeiros, Social Studies; Eni Musaka, Citizenship; Katherine Martinelli, Personal Growth/Academic Progress; Katherine Burns, Creativity

Cluster 8 Green: Lauren Harrison, Highest Cluster Average; Amanda Stanton, Language Arts; Dana Greenfield, Mathematics; Sean Burson, Integrated Math I; Chad Cullens, Science; Kevin Procaccini, Social Studies; Kaitlyn VosWinkel, Reading; Peter Ovendorf, Citizenship; Jonathan Cochrane, Personal Growth/Academic Progress; Linda He, Creativity

Cluster 8 Orange: Madeline McCabe-McDermott, Highest Cluster Average; Ashley Cirone, Language Arts; Sakib Hossain, Mathematics; Skyler Bast, Integrated Math I; Madeline Dorso, Science; Daniel Gallagher, Social Studies; Joshua Branchflower, Citizenship; Nicholas DeBlasio, Personal Growth/Academic Progress; Sean Fahey, Creativity

Cluster 8 Purple: Meaghan Davis, Highest Cluster Average; Joanna Wollman, Language Arts; Samantha Baumgart, Mathematics; Maximilian Schmitt, Integrated Math I; Catherine Salaris, Science; Nikita Srivastava, Social Studies; Michael Mossbarger, Citizenship; Roland Stephen, Personal Growth/Academic Progress; Lisa Ferrari, Creativity

Cluster 8 Red: Justina Paproski, Highest Cluster Average; Mary Siroky, Language Arts; Erin Cunningham, Mathematics; Jessica Lynch, Integrated Math I; Jessica Lajoie, Science; Rachel Musco, Social Studies; Douglas Pierce, Reading; Thomas Harrison, Citizenship; Kyle Hagerman, Personal Growth/Academic Progress; Michaela Beaudry, Creativity

World Language Awards: French: Justina Paproski, Thomas Stewart; Spanish: Abbey Doski, Carly Iwanicki, Ajit Singh, Madeline McCabe-McDermott, Hannah Maret, Maximilian Schmitt, Jessica Lynch, Kayla O’Leary

Special Awards

Mary Siroky, Don Morrissey, Eni Musaka, and Skyler Bast, Connecticut Association Middle School Scholar Leaders Award; Tara Rotas, Ellen Rogers Memorial Award; Olivia Kozoil, Elks Club Award; Jessica Lojoie and Ben Stoller, Michaels Jewelers Award; Sean Fahey, Sons of the American Revolution; Kristen Grabowski, Secretary of State Excellence in Citizenship Award; Michael Mossbarger and Abbey Doski, Superintendent’s Award; Don Morrissey, Weller Eighth Grade Award

Not present at the ceremony were Ben Stoller, Rebecca Greenwalt, John Hampford, and Erin Cunningham. Together with their teacher, Mrs BJ Liberty, they received an all expense-paid trip to Golden Colorado to the National Science Bowl, which began on June 19 and ran through June 22. There they competed with 38 other regional winners from across the country. The students made it to the double elimination round for the Fuel-Cell Races, and we are very proud of their achievement!

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