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Observe The Safety RulesOf The Road



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Observe The Safety Rules

Of The Road

To the Editor:

It was upsetting and very unfortunate to learn about Marianne Ryder, who was hit by a [pickup] truck while jogging on Route 302 on May 29. Making matters worse was that the driver left the scene of the accident, showing no regard for human life.

Fortunately, she wasn’t killed and she’ll be going home soon from her extensive stay in the hospital.

This tragic accident should remind everyone who uses the road –– pedestrians, joggers, bicyclists, and motorists alike –– to carefully observe basic rules of safety. We were all taught in school to walk or jog against traffic, and to ride our bicycles or horses with traffic. I don’t know all the circumstances that led that truck to hit Marianne Ryder, but by running against traffic, joggers are better able to take evasive action to protect themselves from an out-of-control oncoming vehicle.

I can’t tell you how many times both my husband and I have driven around blind corners of Brushy Hill Road to suddenly come upon someone jogging on the painted line, in the day and at night!

We have also come upon pedestrians walking two or three abreast who won’t move themselves to single file as vehicles are approaching, and children on bicycles doing the same thing and driving against traffic.

On the “other side of the coin” we have approached a woman walker her dog on Currituck Road who only walks against traffic, but will also stop and move off the road for each approaching vehicle.

Safety works both ways, and if more people practiced road safety rules there would be a lot less tragedies.

Setting examples for your children and also teaching them the proper road safety rules may save their lives some day.


Sharon Lucsky

169 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown                                 June 20, 2003

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