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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Practice Catch-And-Release Courtesy On Taunton Lake



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To the Editor:

I encourage those who use the small, tree-shrouded public access property on Taunton Lake's north shore to practice catch-and-release courtesy when fishing. As a former member of the Newtown Fish and Game Club, I know they spend thousands of dollars each year to stock the lake with trout for their members. Out of courtesy to them, those fishing from shore in the public access property, or fishing from kayaks, canoes, or rowboats launched from the public area, should release any fish they catch. This would particularly apply to the native bass, perch, crappies, and sunnies in the lake, which are not replenished by stocking.

When I was a member of the Club, the initiation fee was $1,000, and annual dues were in the range of $500 - so it is understandable that members would object to people taking advantage of their fish stocking and other stewardship of the lake. On the other hand, do not be intimidated by the occasional club member who threatens to call the police if you are fishing from the public access area or off your launched boats. Alas, one club member did call the police on me while I fished from the muddy public boat launch area, which prompted me to double check with George Benson, who heads up Newtown's land use agencies. Mr Benson made it quite clear that the Fish and Game Club does not own the lake and has no jurisdiction whatsoever over the public access frontage or fishing on the lake itself. He also said that people who don't belong to the Club should avoid using its private property.

Taunton Lake is a beautiful natural resource in Newtown. Please treat it with respect as well as the property of private owners along the lake, including the Newtown Fish and Game Club.

Gratefully yours,

Dale N. Walter

19 Fairchild Drive, Newtown June 26, 2018

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