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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Grateful For Carnival Success



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To the Editor:strosechurch.com. As they have supported us, we encourage you to support them. Our local businesses are called upon often to support community events, which they do most graciously.

Thanks to everyone who helped to make our 2018 carnival a great success and a happy time for all. We thank God for the blessing of good weather and His protection for all who attended, volunteered, or worked the carnival.

We are grateful to the many individuals, families, businesses, and professionals who sponsored the carnival. We are blessed by their generosity and kindness. For a listing of our 2018 carnival sponsors, please check out our parish website,

Thanks to the parishioners of Saint Rose who volunteer hours of time in order for us to provide this event for our community and neighboring towns. We are often commended on the safety, cleanliness, and service provided by our volunteers. Special thanks to the Newtown Police Department and Newtown Hook & Ladder for their nightly presence in order to ensure the safety of all in attendance.

We are grateful to the many restaurants who donate food every evening. Because of them, we are able to provide a wide variety of food, all of which is wonderfully prepared. You can check our website for a listing of supporting restaurants.

It is always a blessing to stand in the midst of the carnival and watch longstanding friendships being renewed, new friendships beginning, and to hear the laughter and happy sounds of our young coming forth from the rides or from winning a coveted prize at one of the game booths! It truly is a coming together of a great community and a reminder of how blessed we are to be part of Newtown!

May God bless you and your families for your support and generosity.

Monsignor Robert Weiss

46 Church Hill Road, Newtown June 26,2018

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