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Newtown, CT, USA

Student Art Displayed At Hawley



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Just before students, parents, and school community members entered Hawley Elementary School on Thursday, June 11, art teacher Kim Hossler was still busy, hands covered in wet clay, overseeing some of her students' most recent creations.

Pieces of art created by students during the 2014-15 school year were on display throughout the building — including in the school's library/media center, and along the walls in hallways — for the evening for the school's Art Show.

Hawley Principal Christopher Moretti said Ms Hossler worked hard to make the night possible. The event marked Ms Hossler's first Art Show at Hawley, and Mr Moretti said Ms Hossler is an incredible artist who brings love for art out in her students.

While arranging clay creations on a table in the art room, Ms Hossler said her students did a "great job" this school year.

"They've had a great year," said Ms Hossler.

Students led family members throughout the school to see the different art on display, some in display cases and some hung on the walls.

Hawley student artists used a variety of types of line to illustrate the rhythm, instruments, tempo, and mood they heard in selected pieces of music, according to a description on view with these works of art.
Karen Smiley, left, was escorted by her daughter Lauren and son Andrew to look at art on display for Hawley Elementary School's Art Show, held on Thursday, June 11.
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