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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NMS Students Create Art For The School-Based Health Center



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Five Newtown Middle School students recently presented gifts of their artwork to the NMS School-Based Health Center to decorate the center’s reception area.

The students also shared a letter about the work that explained the art was created to “inspire and lift the spirits of students.”

School-Based Health Center Medical Assistant Jacqueline George said, “We received a beautiful gift this morning: watercolors made especially for us by students in the art club. Some of the detail is lost in photographs, they’re even more beautiful in person.”

The students who created the works are Alix Lewis, Laura Wong, Lily Beasley, Kiersten Fallon, and Lauryn Heller.

The School-Based Health Center was opened and began operating in February by the Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc. The NMS School-Based Health Center staff have been conducting outreach to parents, students, school faculty, and community-based providers to share information about the range of services available through the new center, according to a release.

“The students, their parents, and faculty have provided the School-Based Health Center staff with a very warm welcome and have assisted the providers in getting the program off to a busy and successful start,” said School-Based Health Center Manager Melanie Bonjour.

According to Ms Bonjour the final piece of art was shared with the center on Wednesday, June 3.

Newtown Middle School students, from left, Alix Lewis, Laura Wong, and Lily Beasley recently created watercolor artwork for the NMS School-Based Health Center. Students Kiersten Fallon and Lauryn Heller, not shown, also created works for the center.
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