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Newtown, CT, USA

Middle Gate End Of The Year Assembly Held



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As Middle Gate Elementary School lead teacher Peggy Kennedy thanked parents at the school's end of the year assembly, which was held on Tuesday, June 16, to celebrate the school's graduating fourth grade students, she said the school community is "so, so especially proud of their accomplishments."

Before the fourth grade students were recognized for their accomplishments throughout the school year — including participating in the school's Math Superstar program, the Math Olympiad program, the library/media awards, and the school's Recorder Karate program — a former Middle Gate graduate was introduced to the group.

Newtown High School 2015 graduate Katelyn Zimmerman was introduced as the recipient of this year's Middle Gate PTA scholarship.

Katelyn, who graduated during commencement ceremonies for the high school the day before she spoke to the Middle Gate students, shared her thoughts on graduating.

"You will have these countless memories with you forever," Katelyn said, before sharing some of her own memories from her time at Middle Gate, which included having Ms Kennedy as her kindergarten teacher.

Katelyn said the fourth grade students will forever have a bond with the students sitting around them, "because you are Middle Gaters."

Newtown High School 2015 graduate Katelyn Zimmerman spoke at Middle Gate Elementary School on Tuesday, June 16, and shared memories and advice with the graduating fourth grade students.             
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