Openings Still Available for Summer History Camp
Enrollment for the Newtown Historical Society’s 8th Annual Summer History Camp is nearing full capacity for the 2013 season, but its not too late to enroll your child for a week of interactive colonial-era exploration and fun. Vacancies for the afternoon session, which runs from 1 to 4 pm, during the week of July 15-19 are still available for children between the ages of 8 to 10.
During the week-long sessions, campers will participate in activities, games, and tasks of children living during the mid 18th Century. Hosted at The Matthew Curtiss House on Main Street, Summer History Camp is an exciting opportunity for children to interact with the past and enjoy the experiences of colonial times.
Cost of the camp is $150 ($135 for members of the historical society), and financial aid is available.
For reservations, please send a nonrefundable $25 deposit (which will be applied to the camp fee) payable to Newtown Historical Society c/o Gordon Williams, 601B Heritage Village, Southbury CT 06488. For additional information, call Mr Williams at 203-405-6392.