The Nightmare In Washington
The Nightmare In Washington
To the Editor:
The government in Washington is both inept and corrupt. Our country is deep in debt and we are on an unsustainable path. We donât need commissions to study and find ways to cut waste. Letâs start with Washington and end the socialism agenda. Stop the subsidies to foreign governments, insurance industry, big oil, Wall Street, big banks, and the military. Reduce the size of government, not grow it! The political posturing in Washington is about votes and elections. The amount of money needed to run a campaign is absurd. The politicians are bought and paid for. Not until we have term limits, putting an end to career politicians, will we be able to clean up the cesspool in Washington. Expect your hard-earned money to be spent foolishly by the self-serving career politicians that live by a different set of rules.
We have far too many government handouts. Taxes are going to increase to fund wars that are none of our business. Withdraw from Afghanistan and Iraq and let Saudi Arabia and the Arab League handle the issue. Itâs in their backyard not ours. It is costing us billions of dollars to wage these no-win wars. Sure the government will put a spin on it, if and when we pull out, stating mission accomplished. We are not that stupid. The 47 percent of people who pay federal income taxes and I am part of the 47 percent, donât need to pay more taxes so that the 53 percent that do not pay federal taxes can have more entitlements. Enough is enough! Taxpayer money continues to be employed to bailout and prop up the markets.
The political unrest that we are seeing around the world is coming to our doorstep. The President will fight any cuts in government handouts because he doesnât want unrest at home while in office. He wants to kick the proverbial can down the road by wasting more money on failed government programs. The day is coming when austerity measures with a vengeance will be here in America. Mr President, stop jet-setting across the globe, wasting taxpayer money. You have nothing of value to add when you speak to your teleprompter. It was President Lincoln that said, âBetter to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.â
Rich Narel
18 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                              June 21, 2011