Looking for a summer activity that is as much about learning as it is about fun?
Looking for a summer activity that is as much about learning as it is about fun?
Then let the fully-trained and licensed coaches of Major League Soccer camps help your child become one of its newest rising stars. Sponsored by the Newtown Parks and Recreation Department, MLS camps will be at the Newtown Middle School from Monday, July 15, through Friday, July 19.
Players ages five to 10 will meet from 9 am to 12 noon each day while players ages 10 to 18 will meet from 1 to 4 pm each day. Cost of each program is $93. Parents and coaches will also be able to attend a free MLS coaching clinic during the week.
MLS Camps is the official camp of Major League Soccer and the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO). Each camper will receive an individual player evaluation, an MLS gift, T-shirt, soccer ball, and a free companion ticket to an MLS game.
After the weeklong program, all players will partake in a thrilling end-of-camp MLS stadium graduation ceremony.
For further information, call 270-4341.