A Caring Community
A Caring Community
To the Editor:
I want to extend a warm and heartfelt thank you to Mrs B and her first grade class and parents of St Rose School. My son David is a student in Mrs Bâs class.
One of my other sons is Spc Carl Bergquist, currently serving in Afghanistan. Mrs Bâs class recently celebrated Davidâs birthday by giving from their hearts. They gave gifts to Carl and his fellow soldiers of items that Carl had requested that are greatly needed in such a hot and dry environment as Afghanistan. David was surprised by his classmates when he returned to school (this after having traveled to Fort Jackson, S.C., to see his other brother, Pfc Matthew Bergquist, graduate from basic training) with four big boxes full of gifts for his brother and his platoon. I also want to thank Wayland Johnson and the Newtown Lions Club for the care packages that they, too, sent to Carl and his fellow soldiers. Thank you to The Newtown Bee as Carl loves hearing about news from home as he reads The Bee.
We are truly blessed to live in such a warm and caring community. God Bless you all and our troops!
Karen and David Bergquist
20 Clearview Drive, Sandy Hook                                June 12, 2006