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Newtown, CT, USA
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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Team O'Leary Wins Recreation Title



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Team O'Leary recently won the U11 Recreation League baseball title with a 4-2 win over Team Via. With a regular season record of 7-2, Team O'Leary entered the league playoffs with a first round bye before rolling to the title.

During the Championship game, Team O'Leary scored two runs in the first inning on the base running of Charlie Curtis and JP O'Leary, and the hitting of Stephen Mullany and Ben Carley. Both teams remained scoreless until the fifth inning when Brian Garten, Sean Kerins, and Alex Kyprianou had hits and added two more runs for a 4-0 lead. Team Via was limited to two runs, in the fifth inning, on the stellar defense of Braden Murphy, Matt Lasorsa, and Jake Monahan. With two outs in the final inning, Team Via loaded the bases but Team O'Leary escaped.

Team O'Leary celebrates its baseball championship.
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