Newtown Is A Lesser Place Now
Newtown Is A Lesser Place Now
To the Editor:
What a heart-breaking situation. Yes, Iâm referring to the loss of our beloved owner-operator bus system. These people have served us well for over 80 years, some for generations, and the previous school board (except Debbie Leidlein) have thrown them out like so much trash. Emotional? Yes, I am. These are our friends and neighbors, and they are now not just out of a job, theyâre out of business. Whatever happens in the future, we can never get them back.
When the bill comes due, whether itâs the labor complaint, Tommy Adamsâ lawsuit, or All-Star raising their rates (theyâll find some reason to do so), that bill needs to be sent directly to Bill Hart, Andrew Buzzi, David Nanavaty, Richard Gaines, and Keith Alexander. They did this, even though the majority of us told them not to. In their rush to push this through they have put Newtown in the position of being sued one way or another and Newtown taxpayers shouldnât have to pay for it; these five should.
Iâve heard that individual members of Boards of Education can be sued. If so, can we taxpayers do so?
My thanks to all of the past and present owner-operators. You have cared for us and our children for many years. We will never again find the kind of caring and compassion that you have given us over all these years. Newtown is a lesser place now.
Saddened and angry,
Bridget Seaman
Hanover Road, Newtown                                             June 20, 2012