NCC Holds Recognition Ceremony
NCC Holds Recognition Ceremony
The Newtown Congregational Church members recognized those who contribute musically to the worship services and the graduating high school seniors last Sunday during the 10 am service.
Recognized were Mary Andreotta, choir director; Phil Crevier, organist; Lenny Manz, organist emeritus; Carl Lindquist, youth choir director; and Gale Whitford and Carole Andrews, bell choir directors.
Choir members recognized were Dolores and Paul Allen, Carol Benson, Bill Bethke, Richard and Cherie Collins, Judy Craven, Marty Eastwood, Betsy and David Evans, Carol Foss, Ilse Foster, Doreen Marcucilli, Sharon Goodkowsky, Darlene Jackson, Charlotte Kalley, Eugene Marks, Gertrude Nagy, Andrea and David Reinhardt, Keith and Skip Roberts, Patricia Soomaa, Joan Tynan, Gale Whitford, Lina Williams, and Deborra Zukowski.
Bell members are Jan Bennett, Peg Forbell, Wilse Foster, Karen Gordon, Tina Mahoney, and the two directors.
Graduating seniors came forward and told where they were planning to go to college. Graduates are Katharine Benson, Timothy Cardoso, Jeffrey Hanna, Melissa Landin, Derek Miles, Kyle Nowak, Patrick OâHandley, Timothy Robinson, Kristin Ryan, Morgan Eve Swain, Mark Walrath, Diana Wickman, Stephanie Wiedemann, and Jaime Willie.