Remembering Simpler Times
Remembering Simpler Times
To the Editor:
I attended Newtown High from 1965 to 1967. One of my memories was the bomb scares we had each year. Apparently the first one was called in the year before, and thereafter someone felt called to continue the pattern.
We children thought they were great fun. I am sure the parents and authorities were scared. The teachers were annoyed. My 12th grade chemistry teacher was so mad that she told us to take our books out with us so that we might continue the lesson. She was the best teacher we had at Newtown that year.
The girl who stuffed her locker with unread NY Times had a personal conference with the vice principal. I believe the kid who filled his locker with marbles got in real trouble. The fireman who opened his locker must have been really angry. The scene was probably hysterically funny, as if it were been filmed for movies. At least, I think the latter happened. Of course those were simpler times, or seem to have been.
These days, behavior like that is no longer even contemplated, except by the really perverted. Thanks must be given to the volunteer firemen who took off from work to do their best; and they did.
Alexander Scott
4317 Polk Street, Houston, Texas      June 19, 2002