Child Car Seat Check, For Safety's Sake
Child Car Seat Check, For Safetyâs Sake
Certified child safety seat technicians found problems in each of the 42 child safety seat installations that they inspected at a safety seat clinic on June 16, according to police Sergeant George Sinko.
Safety seat technicians from Newtown police, Ridgefield police, Connecticut State Police, and Danbury Hospital conducted the clinic at the Edmond Town Hall parking lot. Nationally, about 85 percent of child safety seat installations are flawed.
The technicians corrected all problems which they found at the safety seat clinic, Sergeant Sinko said.
Several safety seats were taken out of service because they were defective or outmoded by new designs.
The inspectors provided new seats to replace those which were removed from service, Sergeant Sinko said. Connecticut Safe Kids and Fairfield County Safe Kids provided the replacement seats.
Although the use of child safety seats may appear obvious, use of the devices is often more complex than it would appear, according to Sergeant Sinko, who is the child safety seat inspector for Newtown police.
Sergeant Sinko asks anyone with questions about the proper use of child safety seats to contact him at the police station at 3 Main Street at 426-5841.