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Tax Dollars For Education Is Theft



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Tax Dollars

For Education Is Theft

To the Editor:

Now that the education people have succeeded in stealing tax dollars from Newtown citizens, during what will be known as the Greatest Depression, let’s take a brief look at the public/government school system and what those dollars have purchased.

American schooling was designed after the Prussian Schools of 1819 where the purpose was to create socialism, to make the masses dependent on the state, without the ability for independent thought. Techniques are used to achieve this end along with strict obedience to teachers, creating a subordinate population willing to take orders without critical thought. All techniques used are for the purpose of keeping students from first-hand information! Students may sound smart but they have just learned to memorize, much of which is propaganda. In 1889, the US Commissioner of Education, William Torrey Harris stated that American schools were “scientifically designed” to prevent “over education” from happening. In 1896 John Dewey comments that self reliant people are a threat to a collective (socialistic) society. They know too much! John Dewey’s professor, G. Stanley Hall who said, “Little attention should be paid to reading” was one of the first men responsible for building an unnecessary and gigantic administrative infrastructure in the public school system paid for by our tax dollars.

Today the school system is infiltrated by “change agents.” Change agents are people who have been trained by the US Department of Education, funded by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, to con communities into believing that they need to spend more money for new educational programs and to force out resisters. The result is a socialist agenda that makes sure that students are dumbed down and demoralized to produce a quasi-educated social class preoccupied with external stimulants (entertainment) and controlled substances.

Please get informed about the US educational system’s agenda. Go to www.deliberatedumbingdown.com a website by a former senior policy advisor in the US Department of Education. Also, for more history go to www.thehiddenevil.com and www.cthomeschoolnetwork.org and read under educational freedom/history.

It is immoral to take from one to give to another, but that is just what happens when citizens are forced to pay the town tax dollars for the education of others. To take money from retired citizens, people with children no longer in school, without children at all and people with children in private schools is nothing other than theft! Who is really benefiting? Not the children, not the homeowners and certainly not our country! The socialist state and its’ minions are the benefactors. This has been a long-term plan by the elites to destroy the American way and to indoctrinate the population into a communist style New World Order. (Plug into Google-Invisible Empire-for the movie documenting the existence of a New World Order.)

What we need is the courage to say no to the government and yes to home schooling and free market schools. Hopefully next year the feeding frenzy for our tax dollars will be abated by a more informed public.

Babette Lagnese

Pebble Road, Newtown                                                     June 15, 2010

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