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Letter Of Endorsement



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Letter Of Endorsement

To the Editor:

We are so lucky in Newtown to have a state representative like Chris Lyddy.

As a social worker, I am excited that Chris is receiving the Legislator of the Year Award by the National Association of Social Workers. NASW is presenting him with this award based of his hard work on the Speaker’s Task Force on Children in the Recession and Domestic Violence and the Working Group on Community-based Human Services that he achieved this recognition.

As a mom, I am proud that Chris was named a Children’s Champion in Connecticut by the CT Early Childhood Alliance.

And as a voter, I am thrilled that even though Chris does not sit on the Environment Committee, he received a 100 percent score on the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters 2009 Scorecard.

 The issues I care about the most: the environment, and the well-being of women, children, and families, and are the exact ones that he has been recognized for his freshman year as our state representative.

We are lucky in Newtown to have a social worker advocating for us in Hartford who is bound by the social work code of ethics. With Chris as our state representative we get not a politician but a champion of families.

He has represented us well in the General Assembly and deserves to be reelected in November!


Addie Sandler

4 Far Horizon, Sandy Hook                                             June 15, 2010

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