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A Disheartening Veto



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A Disheartening Veto

To the Editor:

It was most disheartening to learn that Governor Rell did not see the importance of signing Substitute Senate Bill 124, An Act Concerning Long Island Sound and Coastal Permitting ...expansion of a (new or existing) solid waste facility if located within 1,000 feet of a primary or secondary aquifer. Pond Brook Aquifer is the primary fresh water source for the homes and business in the Hawleyville (Newtown) area.

The HRRC and their subsidiaries Newtown Transload LLC, Shepaug Distribution Services, LLC, Strategic Disposal LLC, also known as Shepaug Reload at 30 Hawleyville Road is located in and is surrounded by the Pond Brook Aquifer. The site is not visible from Hawleyville Road (Route 25) yet beginning daily at 6 am and ending 5 pm the loud rumbling, banging noises of the operation can be heard. Truck traffic bringing in trash causing traffic congestion and air/water pollution has not brought jobs to Newtown. Danbury Trash Transfer Station is five miles from Hawleyville.

To protect the environment including species (humans) that use the wetland areas it is paramount that we understand the delicate balances. Let’s be pro-active — say No to expansions on or into the Pond Brook Aquifer.

Governor Rell, please rethink your decision. Fresh water is needed by all living creatures.

Helga Ruopp, EdD

PO Box 61, Hawleyville                                                    June 16, 2010

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