Supporting Autism Research
Supporting Autism Research
To the Editor:
The 2004 Westchester NY/Fairfield CT Walk FAR For NAAR held at Manhattanville College in Purchase, N.Y., on June 6 raised thousands of dollars for autism research. Pouring down, along with the rain, came donations that will benefit the National Alliance for Autism Research (NAAR) whose primary mission is to fund and accelerate research to find the causes, prevention, treatment, and a cure for autism.
I want to thank everyone who walked and contributed to this fundraiser, especially the parishioners at St Rose, friends, and area businesses that contributed more than $400 to this effort. As of June 6, the 2004 walks at Manhattanville College and Jacobi Medical Center have brought in $508,000 and thousands more are expected in the next few weeks!
Carrie Cabral
Sugar Street, Newtown                                                  June 10, 2004