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Field Day Fun At Middle Gate



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A "Parade of Teams" started Middle Gate Elementary School's field day on June 11. Classes walked around the school holding signs showing their "school spirit" through support for their class and teacher.

Each class chose a team name for the day, like "Baron is Bananas" for fourth grade teacher Linda Baron's class or "Cotton Candy" for third grade teacher Robyn Cologna's class. Each class also wore a different color to show their support and team. As the classes marched around the school, the students chanted and cheered for their "team."

It was a warm day, but a crisp breeze blew, keeping the students cool as they participated in activities for the field day.

"This is a fun day," said physical education teacher Laura Cooper, as students laughed and cheered around her.

After the parade, classes rotated through different stations. Activities at the stations included a potato sack race, a water balloon toss, and a "Co-Oper-Mat" station, where students worked together to walk in a mat while standing within it together.

Students at another station raced to scoop up plastic balls from a small pool filled with water to fill milk crates with the balls. Nearby, other students worked to squeeze water from sponges to fill plastic jugs. Scooters zoomed at another station, as students worked to roll to a line and back to their teammates. At each station, students cheered on their teammates.

Middle Gate students Deaglan O'Kane, left, and Hudson Tinkler work to scoop plastic balls from a pool filled with water using plastic jugs as scoops at the school's field day. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
Middle Gate Elementary School student Chloe Cameron jumps in a potato sack race station at her school's field day on June 11. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
Middle Gate third grade students in Alexa Calo's class work together at the "Co-Oper-Mat" station to move within a mat. (Bee Photo, Hallabeck)
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