What’s In The Works?
At The Newtown Bee, we are working on articles every week for our readers’ education and enjoyment, and subscribers get the first — and sometimes exclusive — look at stories in print.
What’s in the works for the edition of June 19 includes a look at the Newtown High School graduation, as well as diploma handouts for Newtown Middle School students; a surprise for a teacher who lives in Newtown; special birthday celebrations, thanks to our fire departments; supporting playground equipment that benefits all children; more on the Neighborhood Assistance Program; our regular offerings — Top of the Mountain, emergency responders’ reports, Gleanings, Snapshot, and more.
There are plenty of stories and breaking news posted to newtownbee.com, but you’ll find full coverage in our print edition. For complete news about Newtown, join our subscribers in being in the know (https://classadz.vdata.com/Legacy/NewtownBee/Circulation/Subscriber/).