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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

CCS Annual Sing-in Scheduled, June 18 At Trinity Church



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For anyone who loves to sing and has wondered what it would be like to sing with a group, the Connecticut Choral Society (CCS) will host its annual Summer Sing-In on Monday, June 18.

CCS is inviting the public to join the chorus for an evening of song as they perform the Fauré Requiem. The annual event allows singers interested in choral music to get a sense of what it would be like to sing with a choral ensemble and to meet the members of the choral society in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. Scores will be provided on loan for those who need them, and snacks and beverages will help complete the welcome to the world of choral music.

The event will be at Trinity Episcopal Church, 36 Main Street - the new home base for CCS - beginning at 7:30 pm. Cost is $10, and those planning to sing are asked to register through ctchoralsociety.org to ensure there will be enough scores (and refreshments) for participants. Non-singers are also welcome to visit the church that night to just enjoy the music.

This is also an opportunity for aspiring vocalists to sing under the baton of Eric Dale Knapp, a conductor whose talents have been featured on the worldwide stage. Maestro Knapp currently serves as artistic director and conductor for Connecticut Choral Society as well as New Jersey Choral Society. He is also principal conductor for New American Festival Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. His ability to communicate with musicians at all levels allows the singers under his direction to stir the souls of their audiences.

A second Summer Sing-In event has also been scheduled, for Monday, August 27, also at Trinity Church. Participants that evening will sing Carl Orff's Carmina Burana.

For additional information visit the CCS Facebook page, facebook.com/connecticutchoralsociety2017ctchoralsociety.org., or at

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