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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Cultural Events

Just In Time For Summer Laughs: Noël Coward's 'Hay Fever' Opens June 26 At The Little Theatre



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Town Players of Newtown will continue its 80th-anniversary season with a play about theater itself: Noël Coward’s Hay Fever, opening June 26.

Oftentimes, plays are written about obnoxious guests. Hay Fever is an exception to that rule, as the action surrounds the antics of nightmare hosts.

Can a famous leading lady really enjoy “rustication?” Is there such a thing as “retirement from the stage?”

Four startled guests find they are a test case for these questions as audiences follow the overly theatrical Bliss family as they host a house party at their country estate. Stage star Judith Bliss, her novelist husband David, and their two grown children have each invited guests for the weekend. The worry isn’t that visitors will overstay their welcome — it’s that they might not make it through breakfast the next morning, as the Blisses indulge in their peculiar brand of artistic eccentricities, dragging their guests into a riotous whirlwind of flirtation and melodrama.

This quintessentially “British” 1925 comedy of manners was actually based on Coward’s weekend at the country home of mercurial American actress Laurette Taylor and her family.

The cast includes the talents of Sam Bass (Brookfield), Sheri Bresson (Bethel), Benjamin de Seingalt (Sandy Hook), Marguerite Foster (Torrington), Timothy Huber (Danbury), Laurel Lettieri (Norwalk), Rob Pawlikowski (Roxbury) and Tess Stofko (Sandy Hook).

The production crew includes producer Pam Meister (Newtown), set designer Alexander Kulcsar (Fairfield), costume designer Mary Kulcsar (Fairfield), lighting designer Nick Kaye (Bethel), and stage manager Sarah Desrosiers (Newtown).

Hay Fever will open Friday, June 26, and continue weekends to July 18. Curtain times are 8 pm Fridays and Saturdays, with 2 pm Sunday matinees on June 28 and July 12.

Tickets are $22 for all evening shows, and $18 for matinee performances.

Reservations may be made by calling the box office at 203-270-9144 or by sending an email to reservations@newtownplayers.org.

For further information, visit www.newtownplayers.org or email info@newtownplayers.org.

Town Players of Newtown, currently celebrating their 80th anniversary season, perform at The Little Theatre, at 18 Orchard Hill Road.

Town Players of Newtown will continue their 80th anniversary season with a production of Bus Stop. Opening September 4, the show will be a Newtown Arts Festival event.
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