Thanks To Many, Latest FUN-raiser Dazzled
To the Editor:
Families United in Newtown (FUN), recreational program for families with special needs children, teens, and adults sponsored their Seventh Annual Benefit Concert Saturday, June 8, in the beautiful Congregational Church. Over two hundred and fifty people enjoyed the “FUN-raiser” that included a light dinner provided by Newtown’s Butcher’s Best, raffle, silent auction, dessert, and dancing.
Newtown National Honors Society students decorated, helped serve our guests, run the raffle/auction, mentor students, and sang in the opening song as the Mickey Mouse Club. Many thanks to more than seventy businesses that graciously donated ad spots, auction and/or raffle items. Many thanks to our special guest performer, star pianist/vocalist and You Tube Sensation from New Jersey Jodi DiPiazza; Lindsey Jones (violinist that flew in from Miami for the performance); Jay Thomas (MC); Hafez Taghavi (Music Director); Bob Keegan (Technical Director); John Voket (DJ); Peter McLoughlin, Videographer; Ellis Hubbard, Photographer; Greg Van Antwerp; Dr Margaret Bauman, neurologist and brain researcher; and a over thirty extremely talented musicians that donated their time and talent for our cause!
Thank you Newtown Congregational Church’s Steve Bennett and Vicki Truitt, Newtown Public Schools, National Honor Society Director Mr Jeff Tolson, Newtown Methodist Church, Newtown Savings Bank, Kristen and Katya Glenhan, Dawn Lipke, Chris Nuelle, Laura Rothenhausen, Suzanne Lang, Kerri Williams, Anita and Peter Lucsky, Lauren and Maura Granville, Rachel Crosby, Jessica Lyons, Ava Grace, Erica Shaker, Wendy Cox, Doris and Chuck Samson, Monsie Hobbs, Phil and Joanne Keane, Eunice (Bagel Delight), David Merrill, the Fords, Newtown Centre of Classical Ballet & Voice, Dan Rosenthal, Mitch Bolinski, Southbury Printers, and the outstanding audience! It takes a village to put on a Benefit Concert! Thank you to everyone that supported our event!
Linda and Duane Jones
Founders of FUN
16 Walnut Tree Hill Road, Sandy Hook June 12, 2019