Taxpayers Entitled To Explanation
Taxpayers Entitled To Explanation
To the Editor:
By the strangest coincidences, I received a notice from the Board of Assessment Appeals notifying me that my appeal for a reduction was not warranted, within two days after the third round of the budget referendums. It was passed by about 100 votes. I have no doubt that it would have failed again if the taxpayers had been notified earlier of the actions of the board.
While itâs always disappointing to have an appeal rejected, it is not unusual. However, it is insulting that the rejection is made out of hand without the slightest rationale to support their decision. It is apparent that this autocratic board believes that the lowly taxpayers are not entitled to any explanations.
In my case, which Iâm sure is not unique, after three months and several applications, I finally got to present my case to Charles V. Framularo, Jr, chairman. He not only agreed to my position, but told me that it was his intention to file an appeal, after his retirement from the board, on the same basis as mine.
I must say that the recent experience has demonstrated to me that our first selectman, Herbert Rosenthal, has not exhibited the slightest hint of effective leadership in the direction of Newtown. His lack of leadership in our recent experience will not be forgotten in the next election by the taxpayers.
Robert J. Tynan
11 Saw Mill Ridge Road, Newtown                                June 9, 2003