Christina Ann Benson to James Beach Stanton
Christina Ann Benson to James Beach Stanton
Mr and Mrs Ronald G. Benson of Sandy Hook announce the engagement and upcoming wedding of their daughter, Christina Ann Benson of Brooklyn, N.Y., to James Beach Stanton of Brooklyn, N.Y., son of Dr and Mrs Robert Stanton of Southport.
The couple will be married at St Maryâs-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Northeast Harbor, Me., on September 21 in the afternoon.
Christina is the granddaughter of the late Arthur Gwyer Gilkes and Ann Fullan Gilkes of Northeast Harbor, Me., and the Village of Golf, Fla., and the late George and Martha Benson of Iowa and Arkansas.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Newtown High School, Class of 1993, and Sweet Briar College in Virginia, Class of 1997, where she earned a bachelorâs of arts in international relations. She is currently a research analyst for the Development Bank of Japan, New York Representative Office, New York City, N.Y.
Her fiancé is a graduate of The Taft School, Watertown, Class of 1993, and Williams College, Class of 1997, graduating with a bachelorâs of arts in architecture. He earned MFA in design and technology from the Parsonâs School of Design, New York City, N.Y., in June 2001. He is currently the project director for Global Access Corporation in Stamford.
He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Norman F. Beach of Nantucket, Mass. and formerly of Rochester, N.Y. and the late Dr and Mrs James Stanton of Great Neck, N.Y.