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Seeking Democratic Candidates



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Seeking Democratic Candidates

To the Editor:

It is almost election time – we are looking for Democrats to run for town offices this fall. If you have time to give to Newtown… we have spots to fill. Let us hear from you. We need people to run for the Legislative Council – all 3 districts, Board of Education, and most other offices you will find listed in the Who’s Who in Newtown booklet found at the town clerk’s office. We also need people who are available for appointment to Boards and Commissions that are not elected offices.

You must be a registered Democrat and have the time to give the office. Please contact either Earl Smith, chairman of the Newtown Democratic Town Committee, or you can phone me at 426-5272. We would like to hear from you, Newtown needs your expertise.

Charles Pilchard, Chairman

Candidates Committee

Six Poor House Road, Newtown                                   June 13, 2001

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