VFW To Host Two Wheel Tuesdays
Two Wheel Tuesdays, a new weekly community event beginning on June 16, will welcome motorcycles and exotic automobiles to VFW Post 308 on Freedom Defenders Way (formerly Tinkerfield Road). The weekly events, a joint effort between the Men’s and Ladies Auxiliaries, will run from 6 to 9 pm.
Donations to support the auxiliaries and their community outreach are welcome.
The Two Wheel Tuesdays will help draw attention and support to the VFW while establishing a new public event, according to Men’s Auxiliary member Paul Kopchak. He can be reached at . The Two Wheels Tuesdays will run every week throughout the summer.vfwbikenight@gmail.com
Learn more about the posts, its members and activities, and community involvement at vfwpost308.com. The Post can also be reached by calling 203-426-9316.