Hiram Chapter Installs Officers
Hiram Chapter Installs Officers
Hiram Chapter No. 1, Royal Arch Mason, who meet at the Masonic Temple in Sandy Hook, have installed a new slate of officers for 2004.
They include George S. Greytak as most excellent high priest; Anthony S. Neri, excellent king; Lemuel G. Johnson, Jr, excellent scribe; Richard G. Hubert, captain of the host; Ronald W. Eastwood, principal sojourner; John P. Tamborino, Jr, royal arch captain; Gunnar Lindstrom, grand master first veil; George E. Mattegat, grand master second veil; Joseph Porco, grand master third veil; Richard R. Miller, secretary, and Steve Gerak, sentinel.
This Masonic chapter is a fraternal and charitable organization that was established in 1791. Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month, except July and August, at 7:30 pm in the Masonic Temple at 3 Washington Avenue in Sandy Hook.