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Newtown, CT, USA

Theater Review: Amazing Cast Successfully Plays Up Theater Barn’s Simple ‘Next To Normal’ Set



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RIDGEFIELD — Ridgefield Theater Barn is amazing audiences with its latest production, the Tony Award- and Pulitzer Prize-winning Next to Normal.

Written and composed by Brian Yorkey and Tom Kitt, respectively, the musical originally took to the stage in 2008, opening on Broadway in 2009. It discusses myriad sensitive topics and is recommended for mature audiences.

Next to Normal is the story of a family learning to cope with trauma, grief, and loss. The audience follows the characters down a rugged road to recovery, witnessing the family trying to support each other and themselves through therapy, medication, and more.

This is not a straightforward journey, nor is it necessarily a happy one. The point is that recovery is not linear. It is a confusing, winding path that can sometimes be very painful.

Directors Matthew Austin and Jessica Chesbro do an exceptional job telling this dark story in a sensitive manner. Chesbro is a licensed marriage and family therapist in California, and Austin works in community affairs at Sharon Hospital. Their experience in the mental health field aids in their ability to tell this story effectively.

The production has a very simplistic style that complements the story. The focus is clearly on the characters and their lives rather than their environment.

The set design by Austin and Chesbro is also very minimalistic. There is a series of stages with a few props scattered throughout the room that signify different locations. The actors move freely around the theater, creating an immersive experience.

The audience is essentially intertwined with the story. The cabaret style seating and scattered stages defy the standard structure of theaters, allowing for a different approach. This proves to be very effective as it helps the audience differentiate between separate plot points and locations, which can be a bit confusing if one is not familiar with the story.

The production would not be a success without its amazing actors, who do a spectacular job of interacting with the simple environment. A detailed set really is not always necessary when there are actors who can bring the story to life.

Marilyn Olsen, in particular, is phenomenal as Diana. She adds a lot of humor to the otherwise poignant play, especially as she sings passionately about her psychopharmacologist (Bill Warncke).

The entire cast of six have very strong voices. There are a few moments that sound a bit off, but they always manage to pull themselves back together.

There were some issues with the music overpowering the dialogue during the dress rehearsal that was attended, but that would most likely be resolved by the following evening.

Next to Normal is a musical about the ups and downs of recovery. It is comedic yet tragic. Ridgefield Theater Barn’s delivery of this production will make the audience laugh and cry with its incredibly simplistic yet emotional and realistic portrayal of this story.

Performances continue to June 24, with Friday and Saturday curtain at 8 pm and Sunday matinées at 5 pm. A special alcohol-free performance is also planned for Thursday, June 22, at 8 pm.

For tickets and information, visit ridgefieldtheaterbarn.org.

The family — clockwise from upper left Dan (Chris Fay), Diana (Marilyn Olsen), Gabe (Rob Bassett) and Natalie (Hannah Rapaglia) — in a scene from Ridgefield Theater Barn’s Next To Normal. The multiple major award-winning rock musical continues weekends to June 24. —Paulette Layton photo
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