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Public Silenced At Public Hearing



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To the Editor:

I had the displeasure of attending the Wharton 76 dock 348,000 sq ft Truck Terminal P& Z meeting on June 2, and was appalled at the treatment afforded the taxpayers of Newtown by the committee.

I witnessed extremely deferential treatment of applicants, and their hired spokesmen/experts who were repeatedly granted unlimited time to speak coupled with an utter contempt for over 200 townsfolk gathered and their legitimate concerns.

Concerns like: public health and safety, this project is right across the street from The Educational Playcare Childcare Center, 285 children, 6 weeks to 12 years in age, additionally thousands of tons of carcinogenic pollutants will be generated poisoning the air & water supply coupled with a horrendous increase in traffic, with subsequent injuries from accidents, noise pollution, light pollution, endangerment of a sensitive aquifer and wildlife, a decrease in property values, and increased taxes.

Townsfolk were threatened with expulsion for attempting to exercise their first amendment right of free speech, this was at a public hearing.

The residents’ lawyer John Parks representing their interests was denied a rebuttal to newly presented information re: 11.01.242 Voting Required by Petition. The video tape should show a town official waving a clenched fist towards women questioning him. Officials shouted at the public exhibiting rude disrespectful behavior, and a disregard for the democratic process.

Ultimately, police were called in to silence opposition. Clearly the current system is broken and needs to be changed.

As it currently stands, this is a stacked deck. The applicant is well organized, has the resources to hire attorneys and sympathetic experts, and generally gets it done before the public is even aware it exists. The public needs more time to become aware and to respond. They especially need the resources to hire their own experts. A paid attorney representing the public is essential.

In cases where the majority of the town is subject to a substantial negative impact, a public referendum is imperative and should be established. Term limits need to be enacted. Some of the officials have served for over 15 years.

Qualifications for service need to be instituted. While they have yet to vote, the P&Z commissioners seem to have little regard for their own Article XI Special Exception regulations as pointed out by Attorney Parks and by numerous public comments. All of the applicable zoning regulations need to be enforced. Relying on a board that lacks a guaranteed minimum set of qualifications has not and is not serving the public good.

People choose to live in Newtown for its quiet New England charm not for a truck terminal and more gas stations. The current system is not serving the public welfare and needs to be changed.

Glenn Kessler

Newtown, CT

Editor’s note: Members of the public, specifically the project opponents, have had five intervenors representing them since the application was opened by the P&Z on April 7 including one attorney.

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