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Newtown, CT, USA

Officers Elected, Paloian Named Outstanding Firefighter



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Officers Elected,

Paloian Named Outstanding Firefighter

During its annual meeting on June 4, Sandy Hook Volunteer Fire & Rescue Company voted in the company’s slate of officers for the 2012-13 session.

Terms take effect July 1.

Bill Halstead will remain as chief for another term, entering his 35th year in that position.

Also elected into firefighting officer positions were Assistant Chief Anthony Capozziello, First Assistant Chief Kevin Stoyak, Second Assistant Chief Mike Burton, Captain John Jeltema, Lieutenant Ryan Clark, First Engineer Matt Dobson, Second Engineer Tim Whelan, EMS Captain Karin Halstead, and Engineers Stephen Clark, Brian Engelke, John Fellin, George Lockwood, Jr, Randy Mueller, Rob Sibley, Karl Sieling, Jr, and Steve Stohl.

The company’s administrative branch is as follows: Brad Richardson, president; George Lockwood, Sr, vice president; Karin Halstead, secretary-treasurer; and Mike Burton, commissioner.

In addition, the company’s annual Firefighter of the Year Award was announced. The 2012 honoree is Richard “Archie” Paloian.

Mr Paloian has been with the company for 22 years. He is frequently one of the top ten responders in monthly calls. He has obtained Firefighter 1 certification, has been an EMR for more than 15 years, and recently completed the Hazardous Materials Operational course. He is a member of the Sandy Hook Fire & Rescue membership committee, house committee, and has assisted with the Junior Corps for three years.

“Although this member has never held an office, he is always a high participate in all aspects of the company,” the submitted nomination for Mr Paloian read in part.

Mr Paloian was given a standing ovation when the award was announced. He received a plaque, and his name will be added to an honor roll with the names of previous Outstanding Firefighters.

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