A Special Experience<font size="3"> By Leslie Troy</font>
To the Editor:
Thank you to the Newtown Public Schools special education teachers, staff, and administrators.
This week, my twin sons will graduate from Newtown High School and I owe the deepest, most heart-felt thanks to all the special education staff members that have been a part of their experience kindergarten through twelfth grade.
From the beginning, our family and their "school family" worked together as a team. They were the experts on how best to deliver the content and my husband and I, the experts on our boys. Never once in the 13 years did we feel the need to bring in lawyers, advocates, or mediators. There was a mutual respect for each person's role in the boys achieving mastery of their goals. This respect was felt by the boys and it made a difference in how they performed.
Together we have raised two amazing young men who have developed the confidence to go out and experience what the world has to offer. We are truly fortunate to have such caring educators and staff here in Newtown.
Thank you to all that have touched my sons' lives.
Most Sincerely,
Leslie Troy
59 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook
June 6, 2016