The Interests Of Newtown Come First
The Interests Of Newtown
Come First
To the Editor:
This letter is in response to a letter from Al Roznicki in last weekâs Letter Hive [âA show Of Respectâ]. That letter was another example of the continuing negative, attack-style letters that have been submitted by Mr Roznicki, a defeated IPN Legislative Council candidate, and other members of the IPN for the last year or more.
The week before, Bob Murray, also a defeated IPN Council candidate and currently IPN party chairman (a party without any registered members), compared Bob Geckle and me to Paul Newman and Robert Redford in the movie The Sting. Actually, I should thank Mr Murray for the compliment of comparing me to Paul Newman or Robert Redford, regardless of the circumstances.
Contrary to Mr Roznickiâs assertions, I always put the interests of the Town of Newtown first; that is why for the last seven months, I have been attempting to help First Selectman Borst fulfill the duties of his office, as Mr Borst has so indicated on many occasions, including at the meeting Mr Roznicki wrote about. While I was critical of Mr Borstâs actions, I do not believe I was rude or disrespectful. I was, however, and continue to be, frustrated, as is, I believe, Selectman Mangiafico, due to the lack of information being provided to us in a timely manner or at all, information that we need in order to effectively fulfill our responsibilities as selectmen.
I have an e-mail that I received from Mr Roznicki shortly before his letter to the editor, in which he stated that he was writing to me personally âbecause any other form of communication would continue to be divisive.â I guess someone or some other motivation changed his mind.
Herb Rosenthal
70 Main Street, Newtown                                                 June 4, 2008