The Borough: Not Much For The Money    Â
The Borough:
Not Much For The Money    Â
To the Editor:
George Schmidt hit the nail on the head in his letter (Letter Hive, May 23, 2008. âIs The Borough Worth It?â) questioning the need for borough residents to shell out hundreds of dollars extra for borough taxes each year. Thatâs on top of Newtownâs ever-rising property taxes.
According to his research, the $218,000 budget includes the salaries for 11 borough personnel who duplicate functions of Newtown officials. Can someone tell me why this additional layer of government is needed?
My guess is that most residents would wholeheartedly agree with Mr Schmidtâs assessment that we donât get much for our money, yet simply grit their teeth and pay the bill because they recognize the time and effort required to challenge it.
The borough form of government is entirely redundant with town government and residents who are struggling enough as it is to pay for gasoline, groceries, and, of course, our property taxes, donât need this unnecessary burden.
Dawn Handschuh
36West Street, Newtown                                                 May 29, 2008