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Student Artwork On Display At NHS



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Student Artwork On Display At NHS

By Eliza Hallabeck

Artwork that was created in the past year is now on display in the lobby of Newtown High School. Students were able to submit their creations to be hung up next to their fellow students’ work.

According to Diane Dutchick, an art teacher at the high school, students from her Painting 2 class were responsible for hanging the artwork as part of their final for the class.

“They really had to consider color, format, the theme, or the genre of the work,” said Ms Dutchick. “They struggled, but it came out beautifully.”

Ms Dutchick said it took the students days to map out and construct where the art was going to go.

“You always have to keep an open eye in terms of composition,” Ms Dutchick said.

The work will be on display in the Newtown High School lobby until Monday, June 9.

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