Rising Star Summer League Set For July And August
Rising Star Summer League Set For July And August
Rising Star Summer League basketball games start July 7.
All boys and girls entering Grades six through nine are eligible to play competitive, fun-filled basketball in this league.
The games will be played outdoors at Treadwell Park. Games will be played Mondays and Wednesdays in July, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays in August.
Coaches will contact players after July 4 weekend with team and schedule information.
The league includes playoffs and All-Star games. All players will receive a Rising Star T-shirt.
Teams are coached and officiated by Newtown High School varsity players, some of whom participated in the league. Participants will receive equal playing time.
 Teams comprised of boys and girls will be made age and grade appropriate to form evenly-matched and competitive teams. Emphasis will be placed on fundamentals.
Visit http://www.newtownct. gov/public_documents/New townCT_Park/registration to register.
Register with Activity # 409613.
Parents wishing to volunteer to coach, assist or keep score should email John Quinn at quinn_john@sbc global.net.