15 Young Adults Confirmed at Christ The King
15 Young Adults Confirmed at Christ The King
The 15 members of the Confirmation Class of 2008 were received into communicant membership at Christ the King Lutheran Church on June 1.
Members of the class for this year are Alexandra Aug, Andrew Badwal, Carolyn Bradshaw, Douglas Brodbeck, Julia Clarke, Rebecca Clarke, Christopher Erikson, Dylan Faustini, Brandon Gonzales, Chad Magoulas, Jorrod Murphy, Ben Stoller, Kendall Svanda, John Tolson, and Kevin Williams.
The class members completed two years of bible and catechism instruction and gave service to the congregation as acolytes and in other ways. A number of the young people will be helping out at the parishâs summer evening vacation bible school, which will be held July 13â17 at the church.