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The second edition of the 4-H Equine Fire Safety booklet is now available.



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The second edition of the 4-H Equine Fire Safety booklet is now available.

The 24-page booklet, written and developed by three teenagers (Katie Forcier, Ali Rose and Liz Rowland of Oxford), has valuable information for every horse owner on basic first aid, how to prevent barn fires, emergency procedures in case of fire, and horse safety tips.

The girls are members of the Pineview Horsemen 4-H club and received two National Youth in Action community service grants sponsored by the National 4-H Council, in partnership with Metropolitan Life Foundation. The grant is awarded to someone who wants to make a difference in their community.

In addition to the Fire Safety Booklet, the three girls developed a training video on horse handling techniques for local fire departments and conducted a workshop for firefighters on these techniques.

The booklet is free, but there are shipping and handling costs. For an order form, call 1-203-207-3264.

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