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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Town Launches New Fraud Alert Program



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A new program launched by the Town of Newtown Office of the Town Clerk allows residents to be alerted regarding their land.

Fraud Alert users can sign up with their emails and any combination of their names so that they will be notified whenever a document, deed, or mortgage, is recorded under their name.

Despite the program focusing on fraud, Registrar of Vital Statistics Debbie Halstead believes it has a bigger purpose.

“It happens rarely that somebody can take another person’s property. You know, it’s easier for the small towns to pick up on something that doesn’t seem right,” she said. “I think they should use the program just to be aware that there’s an option to check their property history online.

“And not just the fraud alert aspect but because they can go on it anytime,” said Halstead.

After a smooth launch in August 2021, Fraud Alert has amassed almost 400 users already with more hopefully to come. The Town Clerk’s office will also be posting a flier soon with its recordings of current users and more information for property owners to to access their own records 24/7 on searchiqs.com.


Intern Jack Kobrock can be contacted through editor@thebee.com.

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